In a sea of unfinished work, here is list of small projects that I have put online over the years:
🍪 | samesite | Explore how the SameSite attribute on cookies affects browser behavior |
💡 | surveymoji | Generate a feedback poll with QR code using emoji reactions |
![]() | cmdchallenge | Challenges on the command line |
🌐 | ip | Responds with the IP address of the request. |
🤯 | *.resp | Generates an http response based on the subdomain. E.g., 200, 404, 418, etc. |
🔓 | nossl | Forces an http connection, sometimes useful for getting to the wifi login page, same as or . |
💤 | sleep | Sleeps for an arbitrary number of seconds or milliseconds. E.g., 1s, 100ms. |