
Using Mise for All the Things

I’ve been using Mise for some time now for both personal projects and work to manage versions of the tools used in my projects. Recently, Mise has added functionality for tasks and environment handling, leading me to consolidate tools like direnv, Make, and entr.

When I create a new project, I often set up the following:

  1. Mise for versioning binaries like node, go, etc.
  2. A bin/ directory with scripts for executing tasks using entr, and sometimes a Makefile for calling scripts.
  3. direnv for setting up the environment.

With the recent addition of Mise hooks and tasks, all three of these can now be handled effectively with Mise itself.

Environment and Secrets

In this example, I have an environment variable named CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL and a secret CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY.
Both are now set in my Mise configuration and loaded when I enter the project directory.

The .mise.toml:

CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL = "[email protected]"

shell = "bash"
script = """
echo -e '⏳ Setting secrets in environment...'
source <(cat .1pass | op --account my.1password.com inject)
echo -e '☑️ Done!'

Every project has a file .1pass that uses 1Password template syntax to inject secrets as environment variables:

export CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY={{ op://personal/direnv/CF_GLOBAL_API_KEY }}

Tasks and Watching Files on Changes

Now that the environment is sorted out, we can replace utility scripts and a Makefile for running them with Mise tasks.
These are also configured in the project’s .mise.toml file.
For example, for this blog I have:

run = "hugo server -D -F"

With this, I can run mise run serve to start the hugo server.

Watching files and restarting a process on changes can be configured in .mise.toml using watchexec.

Here is a .mise.toml config for a task named run that builds assets and recompiles my Go app on changes:

depends = ["build-assets"]
sources = [
run = "go run . -dbFile /tmp/db.sqlite3"

mise watch -r run will start watching files and rebuild everything whenever one of the files in sources is modified.
The -r is passed to watchexec to force a process restart.

Or if that is too hard to remember, you can add it as a task:

run = "mise watch -r run"

Then, all you need to do is type mise run watch.