
Does Serverless make sense for a side project?

Command Challenge has been running for over 3 years now and I would consider it one of those “serverless” architectures. The front-end services requests using API Gateway and Lambda functions and commands are forwarded to a Docker executor running on a VM.

Overall, the costs have been minimal thanks to mostly low-ish traffic and keeping it inside the AWS free-tier limits. By “free-tier” I mean the “always-free” limits of an AWS account, since the 12 month trial period for new accounts expired quite some time ago.

Here is a 2020 update for the services that are used to run the site and a short explanation of what they do.

Serverless Architecture


Where we could probably move all of this to a single VM and reduce some of the configuration complexity, I don’t think it would be any cheaper except on a shared hosting provider.

As you can see in the diagram, this project isn’t completely “serverless” because a server is required for executing user-submitted commands in Docker. For this, it’s a matter of finding the cheapest VM available for this type of workload.

Free Cloud Services

AWS - $2/month

Breakdown of a typical monthly bill


GCP - $6/month


The production site uses an e2-micro instance costing around $6/month, this is a bit more than we need typically but it gives us some headroom when the site gets busy. There is only a single VM which is a single-point-of-failure for the site. This can cause a bit of disruption if there is a spontaneous reboot or if an upgrade is required. Thankfully, in GCP this is very fast, and thanks to the multiple-layers of caching (CloudFlare, DynamoDB) in the serverless stack, it only causes a problem for unique submissions that haven’t been seen before.


VM Comparison for shared-core or burstable instances

This architecture spans cloud providers to keep costs low as I found GCP gives a better value for the money on VMs compared to AWS at this lower tier. Here is a current-as-of-now overview of cheap VMs under $15 from the main cloud providers.

All of these are non-preemptable shared core instances or burst-rate limited in the case of AWS. This means that you cannot count on using the full CPU all of the time.

InstancevCPUsMemoryPrice $/month
GCP f1-micro.2.6GB$5
GCP e2-micro21GB$6
GCP e2-small22GB$12
GCP g1-small.51.7GB$12
AWS t2-nano1.5GB$4
AWS t2-micro11GB$8
AWS LightSail10.5GB$3.50
AWS LightSail11GB$5
AWS LightSail12GB$10
Digital Ocean11GB$5
Digital Ocean12GB$10
Digital Ocean22GB$15


For now, the main site is powered by an e2-micro instance for $6/month. It offers 2 cores, which is more than the other options in the same price-range though it’s not uncommon to see stalls due to CPU steal:


It runs Container Optimized OS and only runs Docker and a Prometheus exporter for node metrics.

So, is it worth it?

From a cost perspective for now I still think so. Of course there is always a risk that something happens where my cloud spend will spiral out of control but if this were to happen I would just shut it down. There is the meme “Wouldn’t it be easier to run this on a $5 DO droplet”? I think it might apply here, though the type of workload it runs is ideal for serverless because it is a single-page app where API Gateway requests are only required for submissions. This keeps the number of Lambda executions low.

Ignoring spend I think there are two big disadvantages to running servless. One is the complexity of gluing the cloud-native components together and keeping a configuration that is easy to manage and update. This is solved by keeping everything in a single terraform script, and though updates are automatically applied in CI I think there is a rather big initial investment in getting it to work properly.

The other, bigger reason I found is that it’s difficult, if not impossible to test everything locally, without a lot more work which would be my number one complaint about this setup. The way I have worked around this is to have an identical testing environment running in parallel, this actually doesn’t cost anything extra because it doesn’t get any usage beyond a small amount of testing.

To sum up, while it’s been fun for someone who enjoys doing infrastructure, I have been thinking about re-writing it all as a single server that run on a single VM, with sqlite as the db. I’m pretty sure it would perform better :)